Ok...well it wasn't completely Kim's fault, but she does factor into the story.
I'll get to that in a bit.
So I went to the East Coast last week to see the Boy. I took the redeye last Friday to Boston for a day. From there it was on to New York and then Philly. I TOTALLY planned on blogging throughout the week, but, well, you know how it goes. Stay out late, sleep until noon, baseball, rinse, repeat.
There are bits and pieces of the week that are deserving of their own posts, so I'll limit it here today to a few observations.
First, Susan Sarandon is a genius.
Sure, she's a great actress and all. I mean, Bull Durham is like the greatest movie EVER. But Susan is also the brains behind the greatest drinking concept EVER....martinis and ping pong!
I had heard about this in theory, but never appreciated the beauty of it until the Boy convinced me that we had to witness it firsthand.
Susan is the part-owner of a New York club called Spin. It has Olympic-quality ping pong tables for rent, a full bar, table service and bangin' music (I've never heard Simon and Garfunkel next to techno, but, hey, it totally works).
So last Wednesday night, after the game, the Boy dragged me and my BFFFFF, K, and her husband, B, to Spin. B was happy and still somewhat energetic because he got to watch baseball, but K and I were BEAT. It had been a full day of shopping and drinking in the steakhouse at Yankee Stadium (an experience that is probably worth its own post) and occasionally wandering out to watch the ball game and doing jazz hands to "New York, New York" at the end of the game. By the time we cabbed back from the stadium to the hotel, we were t-i-r-e-d.
But it was our last night in NYC and the Boy wanted to play ping pong.
And we had a blast.
How great is this?
The Boy and I - yes, I'm aware that I just hit the ball into the net, but, damn, I got moves!
K, trying to figure out how to make the the paddle hit the ball. But she looks fabulous doing it.
There's just nothing better than booze, ping pong and a place to put your feet up.
And I learned a couple of new things about my friends K and B. I learned that B fancies himself a professional-ish ping pong player...just like the Boy! He and the Boy fired ping pong balls across the table at each other like blind-folded, slightly tipsy Chinese almost-pros. B also is not afraid to fire balls at K, who, I learned, moves like Elaine Benes on the dance floor when this happens.
K and I played a more civilized "girl ping pong" - the kind where nobody gets pelted or mauled - and then let the boys have it out while we sipped on wine and vanilla milkshakes.
So much fun! We will be going back.
So what, you ask, does Kim Kardashian have to do with my lack of blog posts last week?
Well, Kim and I were seated across the aisle from each other on the first leg of my flight home. I could tell that she was dying to ask me all kinds of questions about my life and what I was wearing and my thoughts on achieving world peace, but she was polite and let me sleep. She was busy anyway...looking through a massive stack of glossy gossip magazines...I assume, for pictures of herself.
One five hour flight later, she still has perfect makeup and not a curl out of place, while I have smeared make-up and flat hair. And once she finished up her gossip magazine homework, she got to sleep. I had to speculate to the guy next to me for about 1000 miles how he might theoretically be able to highlight Bible verses if he bought a Kindle and then downloaded the Bible. The Bible?
So at the end of the flight...first class passengers were treated to this...
And this...
I was so traumatized that I couldn't write for days (or at least a day).
See...it was kind of Kim's fault.
At least that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.