I've been lazy...I admit it.
There's something about summer that makes me want to, well, NOT sit in front of a computer during the 4 hours of the day that I'm not working.
I've been lulled into non-blogging complacency. I work, I come home, I eat/read/watch Real Housewives of (insert city/state/region here), I make phone calls, I sleep. The Princess is in Portland with her father for the summer, and the lack of "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" in the apartment has contributed to my sense of comatose.
But all of this has changed.
I have a new pet.
Busted Kate (who should officially consider me a fan) held a give-away to raise money for the JD fund a few weeks ago, and that's when I saw him. And I knew I had to have him.
Meet George, my new tranny Lego.
George is what I call him because when I opened the package from Kate, I could hear in my head the lines from the Bugs Bunny Abominable Snow Monster episode and/or John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" (same thing, really) - "I will name him George and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and pat him and pet him and rub him..."
George was donated to the JD cause by The Bloggess, who, of course, is the only one in the world who would have shit like this to begin with.
The Bloggess is actually the one who brought the logic of tranny lego fabulousness to light. You see, I am a huge Eddie Izzard fan - who is, in his own words, an Executive Transvestite. The Bloggess pointed out on her site that another Eddie Izzard fan had transferred Eddie Izzard bits into Lego stop-action shorts on YouTube.
Behold the genius!
"Why the Spanish Inquisition would never have worked with the Church of England" or "Cake or Death?"...
And "Building empires through the cunning use of flags"...
In short, the logic behind this acquisition goes as follows...
I love Eddie Izzard.
Eddie Izzard is a transvestite.
There are Lego stop-action shorts of Eddie Izzard bits on YouTube.
There are - by accident of God and nature and the Bloggess - transvestite Legos.
Therefore...I must have a transvestite Lego.
Many thanks to both Kate and the Bloggess for helping me realize that the emptiness in my summer could be filled through the creative use of tranny Legos...and, more importantly, for contributing to an excellent cause.
George shall be accompanying me on some of my travels this summer. Next stop - the All Star Game.
There will be pictures.
I seriously need a life...or a hobby...or sex...or something.
My tranny Lego will have to do for now.
I love this! I can't wait to watch George travel the country with you! I only wish you would have had him when you went to Wisconsin, so he could have waved to me:( Happy lazy weekend Jane!
ReplyDeleteYOU are the one who won the Tranny Lego! I wanted that thing so badly. But...I'm happy for you and I'm glad the little Tranny found a good home.
ReplyDeleteWow! I have an idea for a blog post.
ReplyDeletePerish the thought
Careful, tranny lego lovin' can get you into a whole lotta trouble. I totally know what I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does George look a little like Genghis Khan?
ReplyDeleteGeorge is going to the all-star game? Some trannies have all the luck!
ReplyDeleteThat tranny lego thing is such a slippery slope. First there are tranny legos, next thing you know, if you let them exist, then you'll have tranny weeble-wobbles, tranny barbies, and tranny beanie babies. Then it's on to tranny webkinz and our whole toy system will be ruined.
ReplyDeleteIt's official. You need a hobby.
ReplyDelete(Said in my best Betheny voice)
Yes, I'm a houswives of (enter random place here) whore as well.
I love Eddie Izzard and I LOVE the Bloggess. You are lucky indeed.
ReplyDeleteHave fun with your new friend.
I'm on vacation this week with my energizer crazed bunny family, but I'll be back to beloved blogworld in full force next week.